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free runner lodge, indoor parkour gym, parkour gym

Free Runner Lodge is a Parkour / Free Running Training Facility focused on enabling practitioners to train in a safer & controlled environment with proper professional guidance and support.


This is a space for the parkour community  to be unified, to gather and interact with like-minded and train together for their progression in a safer and controlled environment, minimizing their risk.


The Lodge intends to become a bridge to connect with the mainstream culture, creating greater acceptance for the discipline and act as a beacon for those interested & curious about the discipline.


It is also a conducive space for new comers to pick up the skills and adopt the right mind-set and approach towards the discipline.


Built by free runners for free runners to instruct a new generation of runners in the discipline and art of parkour.



Powered by A2 Movements - Singapore First Parkour Academy. Their many years of experience coaching has helped shape & form the scene & brought forth a positive impact in the country.



Check out the schedule below for the various programmes offered in our facility


Different member structure are offered to fit your busy schedule. Check out below!

Instructors are:
ADAPT (Parkour Instructor certification - UK parkour)
NCAP (National Coaching Accreditation Programme - Singapore sports council),
First Aid trained


parkour wear
Click here to fill the required
waiver before attending
any of our classes


[Open Session Fees]
 Usage of Free Runner Lodge for personal Training without coaches
Prior Parkour experience is required.

Trial / Drop in per Session    -    S$30    

Monthly Based    -    S$200
Unlimited drop in within a month

Sessions Based    -    S$250
Attend up to 10 sessions (valid for 3 months)

Contact Us For Open Session

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